I went to India on a mission trip back in 2000 with my buddy Clayton King to work at an orphanage and teach at a pastors conference. While there I met a young Indian named Amol Pawar. He was getting married to a young lady named Rachel from Bakersville NC. She had given her life to mission work, met and fell in love with Amol. We attended their wedding and it was glorious!
We stayed in touch with Rachel and Amol and they started an orphanage on their own in Amol's hometown. Periodically they come back to the States to bring awareness to the minisitry and to raise support to care for the nearly 50 kids they house there. This past spring a friend from Kentucky took Amol on his first hunting trip ever.
Now most of us who hunt turkeys know how difficult it can be. Some guys hunt for many seasons without bagging one. I was shutout this year and so were alot of my friends. Amol as God would have it, would not go that route. On his very first hunt and very first time he ever pulled the trigger on a shotgun nailed this huge gobbler that you see in this picture. Let me give you the stats. It weighed 26lbs, it had a 12.5" beard and 1.5" spurs! Holy Moly! He told me he was so scared he could barely even raise the gun.
What a blessing from God that this faithful man, faithful to God's call on his life got to go hunting in America and take a trophy turkey. He and his family had it for lunch that day!
Amol and Rachel are amazing people following and even more amazing God. I am inspired just being around him. On Thursday, July 17th, Amol will be at Cornerstone Baptist Church in the evening to share with us about his mission in India. I hope many of you will come by and meet him. Maybe he'll tell you about this turkey!
To God be the Glory!
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