Top: Samuel pictured with his big buck and his proud father, Leonard.
I don't know exactly where to start my story. I believe I will start from the beginning. The story starts at the Oakdale Baptist Church. We were having our annual yard sale and auction to help support our missionary family in Rwanda Africa. Now, being one of the top professional hunting and fishing guides in the state, possibly the World, I decided to donate one of my highly sought after deer hunts to the auction. Surely, by the grace of God, I had the entire hunting season available to provide such an experience. Now keep in mind, generally bidding on a guided deer hunt with me would most certainly sale for thousands of dollars, but apparently, not everyone at the auction could understand the auctioneer very clearly because the hunt sold for a mere $80.00. This was obviously the deal of the century. After the hunt sold, the family that bought the hunt came up and we talked...wonderful folks, the Tackett’s. I told them about the highly top secret spot we would be hunting off of Elmwood Road near the Cornerstone Baptist Church. As the big day arrived, I realized that I had to make sure that everything was just right, so I began my preparation two weeks before the hunt. First, I went and bought a 50 lb bag of corn and drove over to the highly top secret spot off of Elmwood Road and opened the two gates that I have to go through to make it down to the honey hole. I drove the Dodge Ram 1500 King Quad down to the creek, stopped the truck, hopped out, opened the bag of corn and poured it out over a 100 yard area. I then grabbed the Grizzly G30 hub pop up blind and set it up. The scouting and preparation was now completed.
The big day. I picked Leonard and his son Samuel up at 5:45 opening morning. We headed over to the highly top secret spot off of Elmwood road. The morning started off slow, and I must be honest, I was starting to have my worries when we had not seen a deer by 6: 40 am. It was around 19 degrees, but Samuel acted like a seasoned hunter and was hanging in there like a trooper with his 12 gauge pump in hand. I wasn't sure about the range of the shotgun but Leonard assured me that his effective range was easily out past the corn pile. At 6:50 am, Leonard spotted the deer first coming from our right. Leonard let us know that the deer was approaching, so I put my binoculars on the deer and quickly observed that the deer we thought was a doe had a nice set of antlers on his head. As the deer approached, Leonard told Samuel to ready himself and do it just like he had shown him. I ranged the deer and he was 70 yards away. I didn't know how this was going to work out, but when Samuel pulled the trigger I saw the deer hunker down, so we knew he had made a good hit on the buck. We gave the deer about 11 minutes to expire and we started on the track. One problem, no tracks, no blood, no sign. I watched the deer go into a thicket, so we went to the thicket. I went high and Leonard went low. I called Samuel up to where I was and told him that maybe he should do the tracking since he had much more keen eyes than his daddy and I, not ten yards from where Samuel took up the track he spotted the deer lying in the thicket. I have never seen a more happy young man then right at that moment. Let me tell you, God sometimes blesses you when you least expect it, and this was an experience I will never forget. I consider myself blessed to be able to go out and experience God's beauty. How many times do we take that beauty for granted, just like so many more of God's blessings? The next time you are out in the woods sitting in your stand, or in a duck blind watching the sun come up, or listening for that first gobble of the year, let's take a minute to give God thanks for this precious gift we have. And if you know a young person that has never experienced the gifts we take for granted, I challenge all of you to share our wonderful gift with them. We can't waste the gifts we are given, for example God has blessed me with an amazing Tri athlete figure, dashing good looks, spectacular personality, and I am truly thankful for his blessings. My wife tells me each and every day just how lucky she is. Did I mention God has blessed me with a great imagination?
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
The big day. I picked Leonard and his son Samuel up at 5:45 opening morning. We headed over to the highly top secret spot off of Elmwood road. The morning started off slow, and I must be honest, I was starting to have my worries when we had not seen a deer by 6: 40 am. It was around 19 degrees, but Samuel acted like a seasoned hunter and was hanging in there like a trooper with his 12 gauge pump in hand. I wasn't sure about the range of the shotgun but Leonard assured me that his effective range was easily out past the corn pile. At 6:50 am, Leonard spotted the deer first coming from our right. Leonard let us know that the deer was approaching, so I put my binoculars on the deer and quickly observed that the deer we thought was a doe had a nice set of antlers on his head. As the deer approached, Leonard told Samuel to ready himself and do it just like he had shown him. I ranged the deer and he was 70 yards away. I didn't know how this was going to work out, but when Samuel pulled the trigger I saw the deer hunker down, so we knew he had made a good hit on the buck. We gave the deer about 11 minutes to expire and we started on the track. One problem, no tracks, no blood, no sign. I watched the deer go into a thicket, so we went to the thicket. I went high and Leonard went low. I called Samuel up to where I was and told him that maybe he should do the tracking since he had much more keen eyes than his daddy and I, not ten yards from where Samuel took up the track he spotted the deer lying in the thicket. I have never seen a more happy young man then right at that moment. Let me tell you, God sometimes blesses you when you least expect it, and this was an experience I will never forget. I consider myself blessed to be able to go out and experience God's beauty. How many times do we take that beauty for granted, just like so many more of God's blessings? The next time you are out in the woods sitting in your stand, or in a duck blind watching the sun come up, or listening for that first gobble of the year, let's take a minute to give God thanks for this precious gift we have. And if you know a young person that has never experienced the gifts we take for granted, I challenge all of you to share our wonderful gift with them. We can't waste the gifts we are given, for example God has blessed me with an amazing Tri athlete figure, dashing good looks, spectacular personality, and I am truly thankful for his blessings. My wife tells me each and every day just how lucky she is. Did I mention God has blessed me with a great imagination?
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Psalm 42:1
God bless you all and happy hunting.
Alan Kerley "Professional hunting guide and plus size swimsuit model”
P.S. if anyone is interested in hunting with me in my highly top secret hunting spot just off of Elmwood road, let me know.
Happy hunting!
God bless you all and happy hunting.
Alan Kerley "Professional hunting guide and plus size swimsuit model”
P.S. if anyone is interested in hunting with me in my highly top secret hunting spot just off of Elmwood road, let me know.
Happy hunting!