Sunday, October 18, 2009

Children of the Corn

I once heard about a woman driving down the highway and saw a dog hanging off the back of a truck that passed headed in the opposite direction. The dog appeared to be hanging on to the truck with his paws for dear life. She quickly turned around in an apptempt to catch up to the truck and to get the driver of the truck to stop. When she finally caught up to the truck she was amazed to find the dog still standing on the rear bumper and holding the tailgate of the truck. However, the dog was not just a dog, it was a coyote. And it wasn't alive - it was a coyote that had been mounted by a taxidermist and placed in that position on the truck as an advertisement for his taxidermy business. Now that's creative!

In the business world you've got to be creative to survive. If you don't believe it just watch the commercials on TV. Companies come up with some really neat ways to make contact with people and get them to buy their product. I got to thinking about that and realized that the same is true for those who wish to win people to Christ. In order to make contacts with people and to reach people with the Gospel - we too must be creative. Face it - there's a lot of people out there that are committed to not coming to church. How is it then that we make contact with them. How do we even get a chance to meet them and get opportunities to build relationships and try to sell them on the product that we know is the best ever - Jesus... We've got to be creative.

This past weekend the Heart of a Sportsman fellas got creative. Sometimes being creative means just looking at the obvious. We got to thinking about deer hunters and started asking what is it that deer hunters love. What do they buy? Here in NC, deer hunters by tons of corn to bait their hunting spots with. So, if deer hunters can use corn to attract deer, why can't we use corn to attract the deer hunters? So we decided to have a corn sale. We worked with a local farmer and sold corn for a day at a special price and man did they show up. These folks, we affectionatley call the "children of the corn " came from everywhere. In five short hours we sold 37,500 pounds of corn! That's over 18 tons! Our guys loaded up truck beds, trailers and the back seat of cars all the while talking hunting and life and building relationships with people. We made contacts with over 60 people who we didn't know - who we'd probably have never known if it hadn't been for the deer corn. It was a lot of hard work and all our backs are sore today, but we'll definately be doing it again, 'cause we want the children of the corn to be children of the King!

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God..." - John 1:12

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A chip off the old Brock!

I've always said the our buddy Shane Brock can catch a fish in a mud puddle. He just has the nack for setting the hook and haulin' in fish when no one else can. Well watch out, it seems that his daughter, 5 year old Sarah Beth got the "fishing gene" from her old man. On a recent trip to the North Carolina coast, she caught her first Spanish Mackeral and was grinnin' from ear to ear. Dad sure was proud too!

Proverbs 22:6 - Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Big Ole Doe

A man who just shot a deer is asked, "what did you get?" The man who shot the deer harvested a female of the species. No man in history has ever responded by saying, "I got a doe." No, the universal answer to that question is always, "I got a big doe." It's like they don't come in any other size, except BIG! That's the case for our fellow "blood letter" Roy Brooks who has laid the hammer down on a couple "big does" this year already. One might think that we poke fun at Roy each week at his response when we ask if he got one, but no, we are actually envious because we have yet to pass one of our broadheads through the vitals of our own BIG OLE DOE. Great job Roy.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Genesis 1:26
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